Stories have a life of their own. Humans always had a fascination for popular stories. Since the birth of civilization to modern day life of complexity, we have loved reading and listening to famous stories. As said before, stories have a life of their own and that’s why some of these stories have been passed from generation to generation. There is an element of unexplainable charm and mystery about the stories. They have an impact on our lives in different ways. It’s not just children who are eternally fascinated with colourful stories. Even adults and mature people like to relish some evergreen stories. If on one hand, they are a reminder of our rich culture, at the same time they also manage to guide us, entertain us and motivate us.
Some of the most famous stories in the history have themes ranging from family, mythology, culture, fables, ghost, treasure hunting and mystery. There is no dearth of good stories that you can always relish at any stage of your life. It’s a sheer sensory delight to read wonderful stories again and again. Each one of us has different story taste. Some like to feast upon legends and fables whereas some others go for anecdote and mythological characters. But no matter what is your individual taste and preference as far as stories are concerned, you will always find plenty of narrations on your favourite theme.
Stories like King Alfred, Solomon, Robin Hood etc have been in circulation since centuries. They still manage to enthral us. If you like reading famous love stories then, you must have read Romeo and Juliet, Paris and Helena, Cleopatra and Mark Anthony, Tristan and Isolde etc. These wonderful love stories have remained the guiding force for lovers of all eras.
Roman and Greek culture offer us wonderful myths and fables. An avid story reader must have read sagas of Zeus, Atlas, Hermes, Neptune, Titans etc. Stories of Alexander, Napoleon, and Julius Caesar etc have inspired millions of people all across the world. In modern day context, celebrated figures like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Lincoln etc make up for great stories. Inspirational stories have a charm of their own. They can work wonders. We all feel a certain kind of invisible connection with famous stories. They take us to a different planet and help us in fostering connection with eras gone by.